Structural Engineering Services
Forensic Structural Engineering
Offering objective, unbiased scientific investigation and analysis of structural failures of buildings and other constructed facilities for the purpose of providing a professional opinion on the probable cause of structural distress and structural failures

Expert Witness
A specific area of Forensic Structural Engineering where professional testimony is provided in judicial proceedings; testimony based on scientific investigation and analysis, broad engineering experience, and extensive engineering education

Structural Evaluations
Providing Preliminary and Detailed Structural Evaluations of existing structures for the purpose of determining potential structural hazards and possible structural integrity issues as related to real estate transactions and government assessments

Structural Strengthening, Rehabilitation, and Repair
Working closely with our clients, we craft unique and innovative engineering solutions utilizing a variety of structural strengthening, rehabilitation, and repair methods, such as using state-of-the-art Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers (CFRP)